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The month of August has been eventful - lots of moving parts that I am enjoying to being a part of. My focus of course has always been to be following God in all ways, shape and form. I do not to disobey my Lord Jesus. Everything that I own and have acquired is His and is because of Him.

This month I finished a few of the ‘minor prophets’: Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and Haggai.

Some of these are very interesting. For example, the book of Jonah is like, someone who doesn’t want to bless a nation and does what he can to avoid having to bless that nation. His reasoning is that “he already knew” God was going to forgive them anyways. lol

The guy is funny — but it just goes to show that we, as humans, have always been disobedient and only with Jesus can we be obedient to the end.

This month was also a big family event. Can’t say too much about it other than, I thank the Lord our God King Christ Jesus for these types of moments. Family is such an image of God and His works throughout the universe. Made some lovely memories that I hope last a lifetime, maybe even to share with grandkids. Let it be Gods will — amen.

See this menu in the original post

Last minute session for INFJNJTI towards the end of the month. It went extremely well — the agency was quick and professional and the model was experienced and efficient. For a first impression, they did well! I would really enjoy working with them more often things continue the way they are. I think the Brand and the Agency compliment each other in a way that could lead to prosperous endeavors. Let it be our Lords will that all goes well!

Another key event was creating a new track of audiobook and instrumental. These only come by ever so often, but when they do, it is lovely and majestic. Almost like a personal letter from my God to me to then express it to the world. He’s always working and talking, so if you are reading this, do not think of me as ‘more special than you’ because I have this experience. If you would like to hear these, please send me a message on my main page, I would love to share them with you.