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This month has been critical for my growth — I thank God for all of it.

Many events have gone passed and God has been leading the way. It has been great indeed — I love my God King Christ Jesus. There is nothing that He unable to provide, let it be His will that all is accomplished. Of course, even when I was ‘down’, He was there providing for me.

This month I crossed through Ezekiel 33 and Ezekiel 36.

Interesting enough, Ezekiel 33 had some great proclamations.

Powerful proclamation, I love seeing God work. The strong stance that our God has and that He is Lord and not anyone else. I’ve thought about this specific passage thinking that this feels similar to the Great Commission. We warn, in love, our fellow humans to 👑✝️𝕽𝕰𝕻𝕰𝕹𝕿🙌✨ of their ways and to submit to our God King Christ Jesus. There is no logical reason to not be in obedience. I have said before, if the future you, came to you to provide you the exact route to live the BEST life you can — would you follow it? Of course you would.

Our God King Christ Jesus gave us the route and gave us an example.

This is the watchman message:

I think the message speaks for itself.

Thank you God King Christ Jesus — forever and forever more!

As I continued this month, I was silenced online by moderators — an individual moderator muted my account so I was unable to speak. Interesting enough, I was in a private space and not a public space within the online service. They came in, heard me talking and exalting Christ Jesus, then decided to mute my account to not be able to speak anymore.

I submitted myself to Christ Jesus and exalted Him in this silencing. They marked the mute as Permanent. I knew this does not mean anything for our Lord, for nothing is impossible for our Lord. The people around me were giving me their sympathy but I would tell them:

My prayers and the prayers of others — Christ Jesus, in His great decisions, decided that my account would not be permanently muted but to be able to speak.

I was giving a blessing of persecution and a blessing of justice. Wonderful is our Lord Christ Jesus, He decided that my account would not be muted the very next day. Many people were astonished because this online service is not known to remove permanent mutes from a moderator. Like God said, and I reiterate, nothing is impossible for our God King Christ Jesus.

Two significant days passed by as well. Before being born-again, these days hit like a truck — it was things to ‘look forward to’ every year. Now, being born-again by the grace of God, these days feel like any other day but the days I still gave thanks to God.

As for Ezekiel 36 — many references that go from the beginning of the Bible to the end of the Bible. I wanted to mention some notable verses, without making comment, but for you reader — to ponder.

I want to put the entire chapter, but I rather have you head over to the chapter to read for yourself.

Sometime in the middle of the month I was also able to make an online community within the online service I mentioned. You may be able to see me in the future via YouTube or Twitch streaming services to see more. Let it be our Lords will and not my will be done. As well as this, there is another project I have been wanting to do — this specific one will stay with me as it will be my hobby and has been a light hobby. If you find me, you find me lol.

This leads me to the next chapter of SMMR and ATMN — deciding that SMMR will be missed and ATMN can be focused on but SMMR music is still on the schedule!

See this product in the original post

May God increase or decrease the business, for the business is His and He causeth it to grow or to be destroyed. I even tested out an iPad with a pen, and yes, it was a lot of fun! However, I don’t think I will be using it too much since the business has been great without it. I want to keep it but I know I shouldn’t keep it. I also got an action camera — I will be spreading the message to all creatures! More to come soon! Let it be Gods will and not my will, we must remember that He is who increases and decreases!

As for the content I am watching — I have been continuing hearing studies from other online christians. I do enjoy hearing all these different perspectives, even the ones that are shaky as God guides me how and why their perspective is incorrect.

See this menu in the original post

As the month comes to a close, I reflect with gratitude on the growth and blessings God has provided. Despite the challenges, His guidance and provision have been unwavering. Let us continue to trust in our God King Christ Jesus, knowing that His will is perfect and His love eternal.